
More Stories in Humans

  1. Humans

    Race car drivers usually blink at the same places in each lap

    Blinking is usually thought to be somewhat random. But a new study tracking blinks in Formula One drivers shows it can be predictable — and strategic.

  2. Brain

    Neuroscientists use brain scans to decode people’s thoughts

    The research may lead to new devices for people who can’t communicate easily. It also raises privacy concerns.

  3. Psychology

    Done right, online learning might be as engaging as face-to-face  

    Measures of stress offer clues to how engaged students are during online lessons. This could help teachers design more effective classes.

  4. Brain

    Scientists Say: Addiction

    Recovering from addiction is hard but possible. Encouragement of loved ones can improve a person’s chances of overcoming this disease.

  5. Brain

    Scientists Say: Connectome

    A connectome is a diagram of the cellular highways that carry information in the brain.

  6. Environment

    Older diesel school buses linked to more student absences

    Schools that replaced or upgraded old diesel school buses increased student attendance rates, new research shows.

  7. Psychology

    Supportive spaces help LGBTQ+ youth thrive in school and beyond

    Schools are safer and more welcoming when their policies respect and affirm LGBTQ+ students. Clubs can push for changes that boost kids’ mental health.

  8. Psychology

    Procrastination may hurt your health — but you can change that

    Scientists have linked procrastination to mental and physical health problems. But don’t be too hard on yourself — there are steps you can take.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Humans might be able to hibernate during space travel

    Scientists are studying how animals hibernate and developing new technologies to help humans sleep through space travel.
