
More Stories in Agriculture

  1. Agriculture

    Native Amazonians make rich soils — and ancient people may have too

    Modern Amazonians make nutrient-rich soil from ash, food scraps and burns. The soil strongly resembles ancient “dark earth” found in the region.

  2. Agriculture

    Let’s learn about eating bugs

    Eating more insects, rather than pork, beef or other kinds of meat, may be better for the planet.

  3. Animals

    Here’s why cricket farmers may want to go green — literally

    Crickets are great sources of protein, but they often kill each other in captivity. Green light could help solve the problem, two teens find.

  4. Humans

    The ultimate genealogical search hunts for our earliest ancestors

    The complex search to identify humans’ most distant cousins is long, complex and far from straightforward. It’s also far from over.

  5. Agriculture

    Potty-trained cows could help reduce pollution

    About a dozen calves have been trained to pee in a stall. Toilet training cows on a large scale could cut down on pollution, scientists say.

  6. Agriculture

    New technologies might help keep drought-prone farms green

    After learning how much damage drought can do to crops, two teens designed ways to detect a thirsty plant and make sure it gets enough water.

  7. Agriculture

    Healthy soils are life-giving black gold

    Scientists explain why everyone needs to value the soils beneath our feet — and why we should not view them as dirt.

  8. Agriculture

    Soil (and its inhabitants) by the numbers

    Teeming with life, soils have more going on than most of us realize.

  9. Animals

    Honeybees fend off deadly hornets by decorating hives with poop

    Bees usually collect pollen and nectar. Scientists were surprised to find that Asian honeybees also gather animal dung to defend their hives.
